I wanted to address and share what some of you may be questioning with my most recent posts. I have changed up the name of our Facebook page as well as the content I will be blogging and posting about. With this new shift in our heart and thinking, my focus will no longer be solely on Infertility blogging but a much broader scope. I will be sharing what the Lord is doing in our hearts and lives, things we are experiencing and enjoying in life. As well as sharing the struggles that come along with life. I will still be sharing my heart and raising awareness for infertility and loss but as we hold to the promise the Lord has given to us of pregnancy I have been shifting my words and thinking. I am no longer "infertile" and it's not "if I get pregnant" or "I can't get pregnant" but rather- "when we get pregnant" and "it hasn't happened yet but we can't wait for it". I truely believe that our words and our thinking really have an affect on our hearts and minds. When we tell ourselves something over and over even if it isn't truth it begins to feel like it is. Now like I said in my last post, please don't personalize all of this. I am in no way downgrading infertility, it's been our life for so many years and I know the pain and heartache that comes from it. I also know and believe that God is control and so good, but also has a different and amazing plan for each and every one of us. So as much as I want this to be an encouragement to those of you walking through this journey, please know I understand that God may be saying something else to you personally regarding your journey.
I recently watched a sermon by a pastor based out of Miami, Florida. He and his wife had struggled with infertility for 8 years and were told by doctors that they would never get pregnant. They however, heard a word from the Lord and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord had told them that they would get pregnant. Months and years went by and nothing, even though they knew what the Lord had promised it was hard to understand why it was taking so long when they knew He had said this. They are currently pregnant!! How amazing is that? I can relate to this so much and if I am completely honest with myself I know that the Lord told me that we would become pregnant probably about 4 years ago. However, after so many months and years I started to doubt and fear and become weary in the waiting. Now I know the Lord has had a purpose in our journey so far that has led us to adopt our son and become parents and I wouldn't change that for anything! I just wanted to encouraging you to hold on to the promise that God has given you, NO MATTER WHAT. If it has been 2 weeks or 10 years since He gave you that promise, hold tight. We can't see the entire picture and what God is doing in our lives through our circumstance that can seem awful. All the while knowing but wanting to doubt this promise He gave. It can often feel like we are in the middle of an awful storm with no escape from the pain that will come from it but what we can't see is that His promise in the midst of the storm. A miracle in motion, as this pastor called it, and I just love that. I know we have this amazing miracle happening and I love that its in process and I can't wait for it to come to to pass. So be encouraged my friends while you may be in the middle of a terrible storm and struggle His promise can still stand through the storm.

I'm still in Your hands, this is my confidence.
😍 love it!