Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Joyful in the mundane

     As I wade through the mounds of laundry and dirty dishes, stripping sheets and making beds, cleaning toilets and tubs, all while trying to keep my toddler from tearing the house down. The tasks of a stay at home mom can become daunting and sometimes it can seem that our lists of to do's are never ending. I guess you could say I have the gift of hospitality, I love hosting people and I feel like I was created to be the proverbs 31 woman, I just love being in the kitchen and cooking and cleaning, doing wife and mom things, to me its a ministry and a way of showing my love and heart to my family and friends.  I was talking with a friends today and sharing my stress as I was getting my house back in order, after hosting friends for a week, with my in laws coming to visit in one day. I used the allegory of my race and how much words have an affect on my attitude and behavior. For those of you who have ever attended or participated in a race you know that people line up along the side of the race, literally the whole way. They are holding signs with encouraging words and clapping and giving you those words you need to hear to keep moving. Now those people never did anything to physically make the run easier but simply reminded me of what I trained for how well I was doing and that was enough to totally refuel my heart and soul. I thrive off of those powerful words of life and love, encouragement and affirmations <--- definitely my love language. So often I find myself seeking that solely from my husband and while that is good and always feels nice, I think I need to be seeking that from the Lord. He is the one who can fulfill all that in my life, if only I take the time to be quiet and listen to His voice. I do have to brag on my husband, as this hasn't always been a strong point in his life. However, this past few weeks he has really been such an encouragement to me in his words of affirmation and in his actions. I think seeing me take on a lot this past week with our friends here really opened his eyes to the amount of things I do on a day to day basis. It just warmed my heart and lifted my soul to hear him thank me and encourage me, to see him chip in around the house as I was overloaded. Those sweet moments of relief and encouragement do so much to a tired mamas heart and soul. I have always loved those moms who just seem to have it all together, the cooking, the cleaning, the perfect children and awesome relationship with their husbands. I wondered for so long how they could seem to be so joyful when day to day life as a mom is so trying and hard. Over the last few months the Lord has really worked in my heart and life and showed me all these areas that He can fulfill in my life where I feel inadequate. So in all areas of my life I have began to allow him to fulfill, even when other people have the ability to do that, be it my husband or friends, and what has happened is amazing. I am thriving in these areas because I am getting my love and affirmation from the one who created me so the things which are daunting and so mundane I can have such joy in. You want to know what else is amazing, and I am so certain this is how God created it to be, if only we would listen and obey. My husband is seeing my joy in the everyday life, and he is giving me encouragement and helping out in different area. Now instead of that being my only source of encouragement and fuel for my soul, cause remember I am now getting all that from the Lord so my cup in full. NOW, my cup is running over, because I am getting above and beyond my actual need, and now feel abundantly loved and cherished. So sweet mama friends, I hope this is able to bring some encouragement to you heart and soul. We are able to have Joy in the mundane when we have Christ as our source of joy and contentment. 💕


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